Dr. Sran has higher training and certifications to perform most of the advance/referral soft tissue and orthopedic surgeries in dogs and cats. Dr. Sran is a member in good standing with the Veterinary Orthopedic Society which allows him to keep up to date with the latest techniques in orthopedics and traumatology. Various implants like IM pins, bone plates, and screws, wires and prosthesis etc are used for the orthopedic repair of the variety of different kind of fractures or corrective osteotomies. We accept the referrals from other veterinarians across BC, Canada and Washington (WA) state, USA. Dr. Sran also occasionally offers mobile services to other veterinary clinics to perform some advanced surgical procedures.
Some of the cases/procedures which are commonly referred to us are:
- Brachycephalic Airway Surgery
- Anterior or cranial cruciate ligament rupture (ACL rupture)
- Eye Surgeries
- Tightrope technique TR
- TPLO surgery in dogs
- TTA surgery in dogs
- Thyroidectomy in cats,
- Luxating patella
- Long and small bone fractures
- Multiple pelvic fractures
- Hip dysplasia, luxation-open reduction-Toggle pin or prosthesis
- Total ear canal ablation
- Mandibular fractures
- Sacro-iliac luxation/fracture
- OCD/Shoulder Surgery
- Corrective Osteotomy-Angular limb deformity, TPO
- Humerous/condylar Y-Fractures
- Various joint arthrodesis
- Diaphragmatic hernia
- Open chest surgeries/ Pericardectomy
- GDV, foreign body removal, bladder/urethral stone removal, and other abdominal surgeries
- Perianal hernia
- FUS / Penile urethrostomy
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